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Case Studies


Driven by performance and why choose us

Our strategic and international partner is the Japanese Consulting Business by Hirayama (a Tokyo Exchange Company), founded in December 1955, with a group revenue of $172 million (as of June 2021) and with 8,895 employees who specialise in business consulting and training.

Over 1500 companies found their solutions with us

Imagine you had the data to make the right decisions

We make data into actionable insights to improve productivity, quality and enable cost reduction

Who is Kaizen for?


Owner / Director






Finance Manager

Purchasing Manager

Finance Administrator


Product Manager

Supply Chain Manager

Warehouse Manager

Warehouse Staff


Operations Manager

Production Manager

Assembly Manager

Production Worker


Business Dev. Manager

Sales Manager

Account Manager

Sales Representative

Area of Expertise

Our Focus Areas

The ideal conditions for making things are created when machines, facilities and people work together to add value without generating any waste.

Elevate Arabia is ready to help you instil a new and distinctive path of a disciplined structure of continuous improvement for all your operations

Concerns of factory shop floor vary depending on the each environment. We have our wide range of experience and know-how and solve all issues, from quality, productivity, and delivery time issues to production line and flow reviews, measures to increase employee motivation, system improvements and information utilization, and overseas expansion.

President / Executives:​

  • Poor cooperation between sales department and production department

  • Profit does not grow

  • Sales does not grow

  • Delays in delivery and large material inventory

  • Poor organization and no development of human resources

  • We would like to start overseas expansion of our factory


Factory shop floor:

  • Introduced a new system as per the executive’s instruction, but it does not match the manufacturing system of our shop floor

  • We want to reduce the defect rate, but we don’t know the specific method

  • Productivity is poor, but we can’t judge what is the problem

  • Poor layout, lot production, and bad equipment


Solve issues of all processed driven industries


Gemba Consulting + Remote Consulting

Value is created when people, information, materials, equipment, and processes come together to serve the customer.  Gemba means the place where value is created. Kaizen means “Continuous Improvement”: to find and get rid of any “Waste” existing anywhere in the organization.

Kaizen activities change not only the systems and processes, but also peoples’ mindsets about the organisation and how they view their job.  Transformation into a Lean Enterprise requires changes in the “way we do things”.  The aim of Gemba Kaizen activities is to build


Remote Genba Kaizen service is a service that an experienced shop floor improvement consultant remotely diagnoses and improves the manufacturing shop floor using the internet communication.a company culture of daily improvement


Recommended for companies whose direction of improvement is undecided

Factory diagnosis

At the shop floor, there are issues that cannot be solved by your own company alone for various reasons.


Factory diagnosis” is conducted by shop floor improvement consultant to actually visit the factory, find “seeds of improvement” in a concrete way, instead of “finding fault” like a critic, and grasp what points are important for improvement activities together with the customer and share it with each other.


Factory Diagnosis

​Factory diagnosis is conducted by our experienced consultant to actually visit the factory, grasp what points are important for improvement activities together with the customer, and explain how to proceed to gain agreement with the factory side. 


Recommended for companies whose direction of improvement is decided

Gemba Kaizen Consulting

Experienced consultants will visit factory shop floor around the world to improve problems of the shop floor together with customers, increase technical, quality, and cost competitiveness, and aim to build low-cost manufacturing shop floor.

Consulting by Purpose and Consulting by Measure

04a - 1

Consulting by Purpose:

Quality Improvement

​Quality improvement in a factory means improving quality of products to satisfy your customers. Quality does not improve if only strengthening inspection department and quality assurance department.
The inspection and quality assurance departments are just supporters at the manufacturing shop floor. Quality should be made in the process, and operators should guarantee the range of work done by themselves.

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Consulting by Purpose:

Cost Reduction

​Cost reduction in a factory means reducing costs by eliminating waste and making only good products efficiently. We thoroughly eliminate waste from the flow of information and materials.

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Consulting by Purpose:

On-Time Delivery

On-time delivery in a factory means meeting the delivery deadlines promised with the customer. Maintaining a trusting relationship with the customer is essential for the prosperity of a company, so we must absolutely meet the delivery deadlines.

04a - 4

Consulting by Purpose:

Productivity Improvement

Productivity improvement in a factory means maximizing added value with minimal investment. In other words, being able to make more profit with less cost (manpower, equipment, materials, time, etc.) can be said that productivity is high.

04a - 5

Consulting by Purpose:

Inventory Reduction

Inventory reduction in a factory means to control and maintain an optimal amount of inventory such as purchased items, equipment spare parts, materials, consumable goods, raw materials, etc. If you cannot control the inventory in the optimal amount, you will have large inventory.

04a - 6

Consulting by Purpose:

Lead Time Reduction

Lead time reduction means shortening not only working time but also all required time such as waiting time, inspection, and logistics. Customer lead time refers to the time from receiving order to delivery, and manufacturing lead time refers to the time required from shipping material from a warehouse to storing finished product in a warehouse. By lead time reduction, you can differentiate from competitors and expect a management effect.

04a - 7

Consulting by Purpose:

Safety Improvement

​Safety improvement in a factory means that a company creates a workplace environment where the safety and health of employees are ensured, and it leads to improve retention rate, motivation, and productivity.

04a - 8

Consulting by Purpose:

Human Resource Development

Human resource development means developing employees who can consider by themselves to realize a corporate management strategy. In order for manufacturing companies to survive, it is necessary for employees to learn and acquire problem solving through practical experiences of improvement and to develop “human resources who create a strong shop floor”.

04b - 1

Consulting by Measure:


5S in a factory means “Sorting out, Setting in order, Shining, Standardizing, and Sustaining”.
5S, which shows “where, what, and how many” are there at a glance, makes you innovate to a profitable structure. 5S activity is the foundation of the TPS (Toyota Production System), basics of the productivity improvement activities, and the starting point for creating a profitable structure.

04b - 2

Consulting by Measure:

TPS (Toyota Production System)

TPS (Toyota Production System) is based on the two basic concepts of “Just-in-time”, the concept to produce “what you need, when you need it, as much as necessary” without stagnation and “Jidoka(autonomation)”, the concept that prevents from producing defective products by stopping equipment immediately when an abnormality occurs. The direct effect on management by eliminating waste at the shop floor and creating a structure to generate profits has been demonstrated a great results as the ultimate production system in various industries.

04b - 3

Consulting by Measure:

One piece flow production

One piece flow production is a production system that the required products for customers are flowed “one by one”. Lot production to produce a certain volume of products may seem more efficient, but when you consider the overall situation in terms of lead time, quality, and inventory, one piece flow production leads to cost reduction, even if it takes a little more work.

04b - 4

Consulting by Measure:

White-collar productivity improvement

​Improvement of white collar means improvements in workplaces other than the manufacturing shop floor, such as office department and sales department. In the white-collar departments, improvements have not been as advanced as the shop floor. Therefore the “Genba Kaizen (shop floor improvement)” method, created from the shop floor, is applied in order to promote improvement activities and increase productivity, like the shop floor where improving quality, cost and delivery time every day.

04b - 5

Consulting by Measure:

Cell production system (U shaped production line)

Cell production system (U-shaped line) is a production system that one or a few operators complete processing and assembly process of products in a small area.This production system is considered in order to produce multi-type small-quantity products chaper than line production (mass production).
It’s called “U-shaped line” or “Two straight line” because of its shape. The production system operated by one person is also known as “Single-stall”.

04b - 6

Consulting by Measure:

IoT in a factory (Smart Factory)

IoT in a factory (Smart Factory) means a system to improve Q (Quality improvement), C (Cost reduction), and D (Delivery capability) by IT. For each manufacturing industry, it is very important if you can realize a smart factory or not because it greatly affects productivity and profitability.

04b - 7

Consulting by Measure:

Financial System Application

FSA in a factory (Financial System Application) means a system to improve Q (Quality improvement), C (Cost reduction), and D (Delivery capability) by the FSA. For each manufacturing industry, it is very important if you can realize a the right FSA, because it greatly affects management of productivity and profitability.

04b - 8

Consulting by Measure:

Remote Gemba Kaizen (shop floor improvement) service

Remote Genba Kaizen (shop floor improvement) service is a service that an experienced shop floor improvement consultant remotely diagnoses and improves the manufacturing shop floor using internet communication. For example, managers and operators wear cameras, earphones, and microphones, and its video and audio data is sent to the consultant in Japan, and the consultant gives instructions for work improvement etc. directly through the internet communication.


Seminar Training

We have a wide variety of online seminars that combine theory and practice, including the TPS Jissen Dojo by Toyota OB instructors.


Study Tour

Until 2019, approximately 1,000 customers from overseas companies have come to Japan every year to receive our improvement training and return home to improve the efficiency and productivity of their factories.


Inventory Management Operation Center (IMOC)

We provide solutions such as “inventory management consulting ~ outsourcing service”, inventory reduction / optimization, and inventory management work support / substitute.


5 features we provide



Direct effect on management

Our guidance and improvements, with an emphasis on the “overall flow” from design to purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, and production control, will realize direct effect on management


Foster human resources

Improving the understanding of waste and practical experience of improvement according to the actual situation fosters human resources and strengthens the foundation of the production system.


Production technology and tools

Experts in all fields are able to implement theoretically-constructed guidance, using consulting tools that have been continuously improved.


Process oriented

With many years of experience, we also focus processes in improvement activities, and we can implement efficient improvement without wast


On-site principle

Through our “Genchi Genbutsu principle”, which is on-site actual-item principle, we are able to provide guidance that matches the actual situation of the shop floor and is acceptable to the shop floor workers.


3 reasons why we are chosen


09- 1

Reason 1

Improvement experience of more than 1,500 companies in 40 countries

There must be the shop floor issues that cannot be solved by your own company alone. Improvements and reforms for manufacturing industry to survive, regardless of country or industry, need development of your human resources through practical experiences of improvement, and strengthening of your production system base.

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Reason 2

Consulting that shop floor workers acknowledge our superiority and are satisfied

In conventional consulting styles, there was a distance between consultant and the shop floor because it was promoted mainly consultant and management executives. Our consultant can provide a guidance without a distance between consultant and the shop floor through the guidance based on the "seeds of improvement" in a concrete way, instead of "finding fault" like a critic.

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Reason 3

Continuous improvement will continue even after the end of guidance

While strengthening "human resource development", we focus on the "overall flow" from design to purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, and production control, and provide guidance that matches the actual situation of your company. Continuous improvement will continue even after the end of guidance through the guidance that is acceptable to the shop floor workers.

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