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  • Writer's pictureMohamed Chaudhry

Case Study 017: TPS introduction project for a surface treatment maker

Improve productivity and aggressiveness through the introduction of TPS that is easy to understand and can be implemented by anyone, and through theoretical improvement activities.

Results: Raising the level of shop floor capabilities by building a corporate culture of improvement through company-wide participation.

We introduce a TPS introduction project for a surface treatment maker in Kunshan, China.

Introduction background

Our company’s “TPS Intensive Improvement” significantly reduced their labor cost three years ago, so the management began to think about further improvement activities. As the next step, we started a project aimed at raising the level of shop floor capabilities by building a corporate culture of improvement through company-wide participation.

  1. TPS Improvement Basic Seminar

  2. Survey of current situation and identify issues

  3. Summary of issues,Consider improvement ideas

  4. Implement improvement ideas

  5. Verification of effects

Project schedule of 4 months

1st Month

  1. Kick off

  2. TPS Improvement Basic Seminar ・Introduce the steps for TPS introduction ・What is “Overburden, Waste, and Fluctuation”? ・What is “12 wastes of motion and 8 major wastes of factory”? ・Concept of operation improvement ・Method of Time Study ・How to use the improvement document

  3. Survey of current situation and identify issues

2nd Month

  1. How to use the improvement document ・Improvement Potential Sheet ・Classification of wastes and Totalization sheet

  2. Opinion of process operator, etc. (other 11 kinds points) ・Summary of issues ・Consider improvement ideas

3rd Month

  1. Consider and implement improvement ideas

  2. Study session for the improvement tool, “Creform” ・Introduction of use examples ・Notes on production ・How to use the Joint system ・Precautions when putting in the shop floor

4th Month

  1. Implement the improvement

  2. Verification of effects From the 4th month, they entered the phase of “Reviewing and implementation of the improvement ideas”, and they created work trolleys and carts by themselves because they can realize the improvement ideas by themselves. The improvement members became more aggressive and worked on improving workability, eliminating wastes in delivery and storage, and reducing labor. The significant improvement effect has surprised managers and improvement members.

Photos of activity


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